Teacher training- 16th April 2023

The last course that we were able to run in April was the STA international swim teach qualification. We were really lucky that Adam Knight was kind enough to donate his time and knowledge to train our already amazing teachers into incredible teachers.

They worked so hard, and spent the week split between doing theory and practical. The theory involved lots of sitting down, listening, discussions, watching videos and learning. The practical meant they were each teaching their own class and being asked whilst doing so. We even managed to squeeze in some training on Great Bay beach!

Its been an incredible opportunity for everyone involved and although a lot of hard work, the teachers have really enjoyed themselves and committed a lot of time to the course. Thank you so much to Adam for making this happen!

Aquatic helpers- 14th April 2023

We also completed a new course this year. Camilla trained up 7 of our amazing teenage swimmers that have been learning to swim with us and are now very advanced. They are all between 14 and 17 years old. They were all trained with the STA aquatic helpers qualification, which means they can now volunteer their time with us over the summer and help with the younger children in lessons.

We hope that once they are 18, they might be interested and we would be able to employ them on the team! We had such a fun week with them, and even had pizza altogether at lunchtimes as a thank you to them!

Thank you to Tyesha, Kaya, Kaysia, Darnell, Kelsie, Jaycee and Kamesha.

Lifesaving training- 12th April 2023

What an incredible day we had! We trained 12 of our staff with the STA safety award for teachers which was run by the amazing Adam Knight and Camilla Golledge. We were able to learn lifesaving skills on the rooftop, in the classroom and in the pool! It was an amazing experience for all of the team, and a really fun day as well.

We hope that this training will reassure everyone that their children are in really safe hands. We believe very strongly in keeping everybody safe at all times.

Demeka- 25th March 2022

We are heartbroken to hear that one of our swimmers, 8 year old Demeka passed away yesterday. We taught you from when you were only 4 years old at the basic school, when we used to pick you up with your friends whilst you all sang songs to us in the back of the car. You came swimming every year since with your twin brother Demetre, and although eh was more advanced at swimming when you both started, you caught him up and were due to be a jellyfish this year together. One of our youngest ever jellyfish, and we were so proud of you!

You were such a gentle, caring soul, and always full of cuddles and smiles, such a pleasure to teach, and always helping others. We promise to never forget you gorgeous girl.

Changing room design- 20th January 2021

During COVID we were not able to carry out any of our normal swim lessons, and we felt so sad that this was the case, that we wanted to continue making a difference to the community in other ways. So we decided to build some amazing changing rooms, that would mean our swimmers had privacy when changing, as well as a place to store all of our swim equipment. Below was our plan.